Churches for Namibia (CFN)
CFN started in 2003, initially to help CESA-related churches in Ovamboland. Approximately 8 CESA churches from the Western Cape are already partnering with various churches in Namibia. Each of the ministries involved in Namibia (ministry to children, youth, women, men, pastors and ministry to the blind and the deaf) are now benefiting from the input of experienced, skilled and committed folk from the Western Cape.
This work has developed into a multi-denominational ministry as other church groups in Namibia started asking for help.
According to Banfield CFN has benefited from these friendships as it has offered it a better understanding of the culture of the people in the region and how to minister more effectively to them.
“It has been particularly encouraging to see how the women of Ovamboland have grown in their understanding of the Bible, the Christian faith and their own value. It is also exciting to see how the youth are becoming enthusiastic about their Christian lives and are taking their faith into the schools”.
The CFN is encouraged to report that over the past two years six Bible College correspondence students have been identified and CFN has been able to coordinate support of their training and contribute to their mentoring through the tremendous effort and work of former GWC graduate David Greeff, who lives in Ovamboland with his wife Alisan and their two children.
The challenges in Namibia are great, and include financial assistance for the correspondence students, training materials, transport costs, contributing to support for the Greefs, and providing resources for the various ministries. CFN is also aiming to assist GWC student Tish Hanekom as she prepares to do mission work in Namibia after graduation.