New REACH Bishop
October 6th, 2019, was a day of great celebration in the town of Ondangwa as Rev. Lukas Katenda was consecrated Bishop of REACH-Namibia.
Over 1000 people attended the grand occasion and many visiting clergy and government dignitaries were also present.

The consecration of Bishop Katenda and strengthening of REACH Namibia, amongst other events that are taking place, are the happy culmination of many prayers through long, challenging years. For decades, the small and scattered REACH-Namibia congregations stood bravely for the gospel with limited support. Clergy and members from REACH-SA (Church of England in South Africa) regularly visited to minister and fellowship with their northern Namibia brothers and sisters. Visits by GWC (George Whitefield College) and CFN (Churches for Namibia), for training and mission, have also continued through the years.

In recent times, the ongoing disruptions within the Anglican communion have seen a number of realignments taking place around the world. GAFCON is the largest evidence of this global repositioning. REACH are signatories to the GAFCON Jerusalem Declaration and participate in this global fellowship of faithful Anglicans. REACH-Namibia is further evidence of this Anglican realignment, with a number of laity and clergy now finding a spiritual home in this church. These believers seek to unite under a Reformed Evangelical Anglican heritage that holds to the ultimate authority of the Holy Scriptures both in faith and practice.

There are now over 20 congregations in REACH-Namibia with ongoing plans for evangelism and church planting.

Faithful minister in REACH-Namibia for many years.
We praise God for the gospel centred growth evidenced in our growing REACH churches across several countries in Southern Africa.
The Lord grows His church through all seasons. Praise be to God!